Friday, 2 October 2015

On the home straight with a stop in Port Macquarie

Well after thinking it would be perfect weather when we left Nelson Bay we were surprised to find out it had come over overcast and miserable looking again.  Thankfully the rain held off whilst we packed up and hitched on.  Our aim was to get away quite early as our site was pretty much the last one before the exit boom gate and in order for us to get out it meant blocking the exit for everyone else.  Due to the massive tree right beside us it wasn’t a simple pull the van out.  Jason had to go straight and then reverse turning the vehicle back around. 

As we couldn’t see any cars coming we decided to put on the Hayman Reece bars before exiting.  However as soon as the jack was down along came a little sedan.  We would have only taken about two minutes to finish the job but no they didn’t want to wait and so they continued on squeezing past our car and just fitting.  Honestly some people don’t seem to have any patience.  Still we managed to get it all done and out of the park with ease.  That is when the showers started and seemed to continue for most of the trip up the coast.

Despite the trip being scenic, Jason and my mood was rather depressing as I think the realisation that we were now on the home straight with our trip started to set in.  We will have the quick trip back to Sydney but our trip is drawing to an end and just the thought of that makes us sad and depressed.  Still we will just have to find a new project to keep us going until we can afford the next big trip off exploring something.  Who knows what that will be but I am sure we can find something. 
Not a bad drive at all.
Along the way to Port Macquarie we decided to stop for morning tea and pulled into a side street that had a coffee shop.  The problem was it didn’t exactly cater for our caravan in regards to turning around to get back on the highway and we had flashbacks to our incident outside of Adelaide where a Hayman Reece bar flew off.  So not wanting to make the same mistake Jason decided he would take the right hand turn and then reverse back and then make a second right hand turn.  Thankfully it was a quiet road and we could do this and get around.  I mean the other option was to just take off the Hayman Reece bars and make the turn but we didn’t really want to have to do that unless we had too (yes lazy I know).

Check in was a breeze at the little caravan park we had picked but getting into our site a little harder than we thought it would be.  Mainly because the guys car in the site beside us was a little too close to our space and whilst we did try eventually I did have to take him up on his offer to move his car just whilst we parked.  Then of course there were too older gentlemen who decided they would stand out on the road and watch us!  Now I know we are guilty of the same but at least we try and be discrete, not just stand on the road watching.  Still we did get it first go rather easily once the car was moved and set up in record time.
One of the many beaches.
Our hopes were not high for good weather in Port Macquarie as it was constant on and off showers the whole way up, but it seems that Port Macquarie is in a protected little pocket and we managed to get all set up and even put on a load of washing.  Mind you it did shower when I was hanging out the washing but it held off for the rest of the day and we got to go out and check out some local beaches and buy Broncos supporter gear in preparation for Sunday.  I think this would be a beautiful place to visit in Summer or when it is a bit warmer to make the most of the stunning beaches.  Even one road down to a beach made it feel like you were discovering this hidden oasis.  The full carpark at the other end certainly put a stop to that feeling.  Still we got out and explored the rock pools before heading back to the van.
Yay, freedom.

Enjoying the rock pools.

Look what I found Mum.

Leaving his mark.

Kayla of course had to join in.
Monday morning we woke up to the most perfect sunny day and we were certainly going to make the most of it.  First off the rank was the washing and a school lesson so we did all that first and headed out just after 9am to walk along the river break wall and just soak the sunshine whilst enjoying the beautiful waterfront.  There was a caravan park just there and we were both scratching our heads as to why we hadn’t booked that one.  Though for its prime position it wasn’t exactly packed so we assumed that it must have some negatives to it.  Still it would have been good to give it a go as you wouldn’t have had to drive anywhere.  Mind you we love our little quiet caravan park that can only fit about 20 vans.
Out enjoying the sunshine.

Not a bad view.
After our walk along the wall we sat down and enjoyed an ice cream each.  I think Jason was the smart one and just kept it simple.  The rest of us over indulged in sundaes and they were quite sweet for us.  We then headed for a drive to the lighthouse to see the views from there.  It was quite windy up top and the kids used me as a wind break and complained it was cold so we didn’t stay too long.  Instead we headed to the rainforest walk which was just down the road a little bit.  It was a nice easy walk but Hamish was getting a bit over it all by then and Kayla fell asleep in the pram so we thought we would head back into town, grab some fish and chips and head back to the caravan for lunch.
The view from the lighthouse.

Has been a while since there has been a photo of the car.
Well the wait for the fish and chips was long, but that is what you have to expect when you pick the most popular one on the trip advisor site.  However back at the caravan it was a bit of a letdown as it just all felt way too oily.  It is hard to explain but it just didn’t hit the spot.  So to make up for that we headed out to pick strawberries from the local farm.  It is more of a hydroponics one and my gosh it was addictive and we all had so much fun.  We called it quits before we went overboard but in the end didn’t even have a kilo all up.  The trip back into town was a nice and quiet one but that pretty much meant we had no strawberries left.  Well Kayla polished off her pile and Hamish at least had a few left.
Need the SWAT team to pick the strawberries.

Picking out only the best.

I think Kayla just liked cutting them off the most.
On the way home we did take a detour to the Koala Hospital where they rehabilitate Koalas that have been sick, burnt or injured in some way.  It was sad reading about some of the stories and there was a free talk happening at 3pm but we decided it was a bit too busy for our liking and didn’t hang around for it.  The kids instead bought some Koala teddies to support them before we headed off.  We weren’t planning on getting any but Hamish very confidently walked up and asked how much they were and thankfully it was just the tiny little ones that he wanted, he then asked for two (as he must also get Kayla one – gosh to think that is soon going to be three) and then turned to us and said they are $5 each.  Okay then.  I guess we were getting them.  Though to be honest we didn’t mind as it went to a good cause and was cheaper than the adopting a Koala that I was looking at doing.  Hamish was keen until I told him he didn’t actually get to take the Koala home!!!
One of the Koalas in good care.

They wanted their photo with the statue.

All the details of the Koalas in their care.
We then thought we would head back to the caravan and get ready to head out fishing, however that plan didn’t quite go to plan as I was feeling tired.  So Jason took the kids next door to Aldi to get some milk and bananas whilst I had a rest.  He then also took them for a scooter and a play around the caravan park so I could rest some more.  I was just about asleep when Kayla comes in declaring that she wants to go for a swim!  I thought she was kidding but nope, close behind her was Hamish who also said he wanted to go for a swim.  We made it clear that we were not going to hop in as it was too cold for our liking and they were still keen.  They kept this eagerness up right until they dipped their toes into the pool.  Funnily enough Kayla didn’t get in any further past her knees.  Hamish wasn’t keen either but wanted to go on the waterslide.  So up the slide he went and down he came… at the pace of a snail.  At the bottom of the slide he came to a complete stop and I wondered if he was actually going to jump in the pool, but he did and he made a beeline for the edge of the pool as it was so cold.  That was the end of our swimming adventure.
Not such a great idea now.
Days like this are just wonderful, getting out and enjoying what the places have to offer.  However it seems at night when the kids are asleep we are constantly filled with the dread of having to return to Brisbane and everyday life.  It isn’t like Brisbane is a bad place.  It is the lack of freedom, but more than anything the less time as a family we will have.  The commutes into the city are so long just one way unless of course you can afford a house in close, but then you are clouded with a huge amount of debt.  I think we will continue to look for a tree change but for now we will make the most of the situation we are in and return to Brisbane to welcome our third child and see where we go from there.

We were again blessed with another beautiful sunny day and to make things even better it was a short and shirt kind of day.  We had a plan to take one of the inland tourist drives around the countryside surrounding Port Macquarie.  First however we did the washing and a bit of school and then packed up the car for our day out.  I wasn’t sure if the clear blue sky was meant to last all day so decided to head south and make the most of the Little Brother lookout whilst we could.  We had to drive through a few little sleepy towns that look like a great place to come and stay for our next visit and then up the mountain. 
On top of the world.

Hamish and Kayla taking it all in.
The view from the top was superb and the ideal spot for our morning tea.  We even had a game of Uno up the top and did some school revision.  Just sitting in the sun and enjoy the view was so nice and peaceful.  Then we realised we should keep moving otherwise we would never get to check out the water falls that I had mapped us to go to.  It meant taking some back roads through the countryside and it even got down to a good dirt road.  Jason and I were taking it all in when suddenly Hamish broke the news to us that his tummy was hurting.  I guess all the windy up and down roads were making him feel sick.
Little bit of a drive in the country.
So we pulled over on some random driveway to give him a rest from the car.  The poor little fellow must not have been feeling well at all and lay down on the dirt.  We did then get out the picnic rug for him so he wasn’t lying in the dirt and had a bit more comfort.  Kayla wasn’t very sympathetic as she wanted to lie down too and push Hamish off.  Eventually we coxed Hamish back into the car to try and get to the next little town.  That was interesting.  Poor Hamish wasn’t well and had the picnic rug as a blanket.  Kayla then cracked it as she didn’t have a blanket, so we had to pull over and Jason got out my jumper for Kayla to use. 
Too sick to do anything.

Yep a random stop in the middle of nowhere.

We did make him more comfortable.  Poor thing.
In the end we decided to head back towards Wauchope as it wasn’t worth the pain to continue on towards the falls as it would have been more winding roads I am sure.  We just took our time to get there and Jason drove really cautiously trying to break less and take the bends slowly.  Thankfully we made it to Wauchope without any sickness and found a great little park where Kayla could play whilst Hamish rested.  Well that was the plan, but of course as soon as Hamish was out in the fresh air and saw the playground he was straight on there.  Oh well at least he was feeling better.  There was also a little cafĂ© just nearby so I went and ordered us all lunch and bought it back to the park. 

We let the kids have a long play as we didn’t want to risk putting Hamish into the car too soon.  Whilst it is disappointing we didn’t get to see all the waterfalls, it just gives us more of a reason to come back to this area another time.  So from there we headed back to the caravan and finished another bit of school, relaxed and got the washing in.  Then eventually we headed out to do a bit of fishing off the jetty.  I must admit I am never a big fan fishing off a jetty as you have to watch Kayla like a hawk, I much prefer fishing straight off the beach or a river bank.  Yes I know it doesn’t really make sense but for some reason I am more relaxed.  I think it is also because if she gets over fishing (which she will) then she can play in the sand/dirt.
Trying his luck fishing.

This is as good as it got.

Seeing out another day.
Back in the van we had to look into when we could check into the next caravan park and I am pretty sure it isn’t until after 12pm so that provides us with a little dilemma.  We have to be out of here by 10am, and it is only an hour’s drive away so I guess we will just have to find a place to pull over and have a long morning tea.  We might also call them in the morning and see if someone is actually in our site as if they aren’t we might be able to get in that little bit earlier and enjoy the spot more.

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