The plans for the morning were to wake up and get another
bit of school done before letting Hamish have a play with his new friend and
checking out later than normal. We even
told Ian and Gwen that we would follow them for the first bit as they were
going to the most haunted house in WA. In
the end we slept in a bit so pretty much just as Hamish finished breakfast and
got dressed his friend James turned up for a play. Not one to stand in the road of letting the
kids play I decided school could wait for a bit and let him go.
Before long we were waving Hamish and Kayla’s friends James
and Sarah off (oh and their parents of course) and then hitching on
ourselves. There just seemed so much
happening when we were hitching on and Jason attached the Hayman Reese bars
that I didn’t feel like I got to double check everything. Obviously we check the main things every time
but it just seemed a bit out of whack for some reason. So off we headed out of the park behind Ian
and Gwen. You know that way we could
blame them for holding up the traffic!
The boys saw a caravan and camping show and had a great chat about how I
wouldn’t let Jason go because I was worried he would come back with all these
toys for the van.
Making our way to Kalbarri. |
See it isn't dry and dusty just yet. |
After about 30km down the road we waved goodbye to Ian and
Gwen as they turned into the haunted house.
We continued on and took the scenic drive to Kalbarri. We had been told that pretty much as soon as
you went north of Perth it was like desert/barren country, but I can tell you
it certainly isn’t. Well not yet
anyway. The drive was so pretty and we
even passed another “pink” lake. At
first we were so disappointed as it was not pink at all, but by the time we got
to the other end it definitely was.
However there was nowhere we could pull over with the van to get a photo
of it. Maybe we will come back.
The rest of the drive into Kalbarri was really nice
following the ocean, and there were all these turns into clifftop
lookouts. We had already decided to just
focus on getting the caravan into the park and set up. Then eat some lunch and go out
exploring. Originally we thought we
would go straight to Natures Window but because the weather prediction was for
some more overcast weather the next day I wanted to get out and see the cliffs
whilst the sun was out making the ocean a pretty blue. So we packed up and headed out.
Rugged cliffs. |
It was amazing looking down but glad the kids stayed in the car. |
Every now and then you would get a little beach you could go down onto.
Not too bad of a view but the ocean was quite rough. |
There were about seven different places to turn into so we
knew we were definitely going to be out for a while. Oh and let’s not forget about the flies who
were ever so friendly. I think the best
way to describe it was another fellow travellers comment about Kalbarri being
the only place where everyone is wearing a fly veil. Jason and I took turns doing the lookouts as
we just decided it was easier and safer to leave the kids in the car. At two places there were even beaches you
could walk down to. Jason walked down to
the first and then I did the second, called Pot Alley. That walk was pretty cool as after the first
200 or so metres the path followed where the water would run down in a
The path down to the beach. |
Jason admiring the view. |
Yep the car looks good with this backdrop too. |
Quick take off the fly veils and have a photo. |
From there we had one more lookout we wanted to do and we
thought it was safe enough for the kids to get out and do this one. I don’t honestly know what we were thinking
as we know our kids don’t walk well in the afternoon. However I am stubborn and these kids were
coming on this walk. Okay Kayla was fine
with it as she was in the stroller but Hamish just did not want to go for a
walk and let us know about it all the way to the lookout. Then I managed to coax Kayla into getting out
of the stroller and letting Hamish in, but then Kayla wasn’t happy. So I got Kayla to sit on Hamish’s lap and
took them back to the car. Talk about
knowing how to ruin a beautiful walk. I
think we may have also turned some young couples off kids for a few more years
at least!
We walked all this way for a stunning view, pitty the kids weren't keen. |
Back in the car they were happy so we drove into town and
got an ice-cream each before returning to the caravan park. Jason and Hamish completed a bit more school
whilst I took Kayla to the playground.
There I met another little boy who told me all about how he was
travelling to and then I met his parents up near the pool and had a quick chat
to them and another traveller who we had met in Port Lincoln and had seen their
car in other towns but not got to chat to again until now. Mind you it was a quick hello really as Kayla
started to head off so I followed.
The evening was a bit rushed trying to get dinner cooked and
the kids showered as they were obviously tired from the day. Once we had settled them in with cartoons,
Jason and I went over and chatted to Ian and Gwen, but it didn’t last long as
Hamish came over wanting us to come back.
He doesn’t like to be left alone even though we were just right there on
the other side of the van. So Jason came
back, did the washing up and got the kids into bed. I am very lucky and I must say it was nice to
have a few wines and a good chat.
Sunday was a beautiful day and we are so getting use to
waking up when we feel like it. Mind you
it is still super early compared to a lot of people but as long as the sun is
up then I am happy to get out of bed. I
am normally the first out of bed and try and catch up on the blog or some other
job that needs doing. Just as long as it
is quiet and doesn’t wake the kids.
Jason normally then gets up and makes me a coffee. Then we are ready to face the day when the
kids wake up.
Our plan for the day was to do some school before heading
out to the Kalbarri National Park with Ian and Gwen to check out Natures Window
and also the Z Bend lookout. Hamish easily
did the session of school. It did help
it was about lizards and I said we might be able to spot one today on our
walk. Then it was a matter of packing up
some food and hanging out the washing so we were ready to go when Ian and Gwen
were ready. Jason even let down the tyre
pressure as we knew half the road was gravel so best to lower them down from
the towing tyre pressure.
So before long we hit the road and led the way out. Obviously all the bitumen was easy going but
then before long we ran out of that and onto the gravel road we went. I think personally I would call it more sandy
with lots of corrugations. When I say
lots, I mean the entire road and then the odd pot hole. Still at the right speed it wasn’t too bad at
all and compared to some of the other roads we have done it was a bit like a
highway. The road can still be done in a
2WD but obviously they were taking it a lot easier.
Making our way into the National Park. |
Kayla modelling her Nonna Net. |
Hamish so excited to do another walk. |
Lucky Jason managed to convince him to turn on his rocket shoes. |
We headed straight for Natures Window as we had always
wanted to do it and had seen so many photos of everyone else there, it was
finally our turn. Hamish however wasn’t
keen to walk at all but there was no way we were letting him out of this
one. Jason managed to convince him to
put on his rocket launchers and off they went.
Of course our main choice of fashion today was the fly veils as the
locals were extremely friendly. Jason
even took a few pictures to show just how many we had flying around us or on us
at one stage.
Making their way to Natures Window. |
Stopping for a rest and to wait for Mum and Dad. |
It was really nice going out with Ian and Gwen for the day
as it meant we could actually get a family photo, and we could take one for
them too. Natures Window is really
impressive. I mean you obviously see the
gorge and view before you get there but for a natural rock like that to nicely
frame it all is pretty special. The kids
really enjoyed it too but I think I had a few mini heart attacks when Kayla
would walk too close to the edge.
Now this is such a cool thing. |
A photo with all four of us. |
My cheeky monkeys. |
The view without us blocking it. |
We opted out of the 8km walk, okay let’s be honest, we never
even considered it. Getting Hamish to
walk the 1km round trip was enough for us and even though it was only 25
degrees at the time it felt a lot warmer out there. So off we headed and made a quick stop at
another lookout. I decided to give the
kids a break and stayed in the car with them whilst Jason, Ian and Gwen walked
the 500 metre round trip to the lookout.
I certainly enjoyed the break from the flies for a bit. From there we had one more stop on the road,
so off we headed along the corrugated road for 11km to do the Z Bend
Making our way back to the car. |
On the road again. |
Of course this one was a 1.2km round walk to the lookout and
we had considered doing the 2.6km round trip to the bottom of the gorge. By now we knew that was just a stupid idea
and we were not going to get down there.
Firstly it was just way too hot to consider it and we really weren’t
prepared as you would need to take lots of water and snacks to get the kids
through it all. Maybe if you came out
early in the morning, around 8am it would be nice to take your time and get
down which would be the easy bit, then we would need double the time to get us
all back up to the top.
Hamish at the z bend lookout. |
So narrow at this part. |
A family photo with us all looking. |
As it was the 600m walk to the lookout it felt like it went
on forever. There was a mixture of
carrying Hamish, then carrying Kayla and then making both of them walk but
eventually we got there. Poor Ian and
Gwen, they will probably never want to come out again on a day with us. It is a peaceful quiet walk with our
lot. The walk certainly rewards you
though with a wonderful view out over the gorge and it is just stunning. Of course the railing put in to protect
people from falling isn’t the best for young kids who could easily slip under
it but I am happy to report we came back out with two kids so all is good.
Having a bit of fun. |
Some of the native flowers that were out. |
The trip back was slow as the kids were collecting rocks. |
Giving a lift to a few flies. |
It was a bit overcast so it would have been interesting to
see the view when the sunlight was shining on the rocks, still as it was the
view was spectacular. By now it seemed
to be warming up a lot and we were starting to get a bit hungry so we all
decided to head back into town. Only
another 13km of corrugated road and we were back on the bitumen. As we were leading the way we did let Ian
know that we had hit the bitumen so he could get excited and he did point out
how much quieter it was in the car back on the black stuff. Whatever you do don’t let the road turn you
off, in a 4WD it is nothing bad and it is so worth doing this place.
Ian and Gwen were going out for lunch so we decided to head
back to the van for lunch as we had some leg ham and salad that we thought we
should eat instead. Talk about a healthy
morning with all that walking and then a salad for lunch. I say morning as we then ate ice-blocks and
chocolate for lunch. We were really
hoping Kayla would fall asleep on the way home as we were wrecked but it didn’t
happen so there was no rest for us. The
kids seemed to get a second wind so we spent most of our afternoon at the
playground or pool. One of the families
we had met in Fremantle (Hamish’s friend ‘James’) rolled in later in the
afternoon so we had a quick chat to them before heading back to the van to do a
little bit more school with Hamish.
School seems to work a lot better this way and when it is a
big session on a subject he isn’t keen on, I now just break it down into
smaller more manageable parts and give him breaks in between. Spreading it out over seven days is certainly
helping a huge amount too. Both kids
seemed really tired in the afternoon so we did an early shower for them and put
on a movie. Our plans for an early night
changed when Darren came over and asked if we did happy hour on Sunday
nights! Silly question, we don’t
discriminate against Sunday. So after
they had dinner and showered the kids they came over and we all sat around
outside chatting until about 9:30pm. We
really enjoyed their company and swapping our travel stories.
Even after the late night before I still managed to get up
nice and early and enjoy the peaceful morning before the kids woke up and the
day started. Of course being a Monday it
meant we were back into the school week and on air lessons. Whilst Jason did the lesson I took Kayla all
around the caravan park to entertain her and stop her from interrupting the
lesson. It was a little chilly too as
the wind seems to have picked up so I am certainly glad we are only heading
north to try and avoid it all.
The afternoon before Ian and Gwen had told us that they were
thinking of heading out to the Province of Hutt River. Jason really wanted to do it so we asked if
we could tag along. I wasn’t sure what
to expect as it all seemed a little strange to me and I was worried we were
going to be entering some cult compound and might never come back out. Okay that might be a slight exaggeration but
still it seemed odd in my opinion. So we
did a bit more school and when we were all ready we headed out.
My first impressions were that this Prince obviously had
some money as 30km road into his place was fantastic and in such great
condition. Mind you there was certainly
no Buckingham Palace on his property.
Unfortunately, at the moment he is away but one of his sons showed us
around and explained a few things. I
personally didn’t get to hear much of it as the kids wanted to look at and
touch everything. Now I will admit that
it was definitely interesting and hearing how he took on the Government and won
through finding loopholes in the law is great story. This meant that he could start his own
province, pay no taxes to the ATO and fly out of the country on a Province of
Hutt Valley passport. He was obviously a
very intelligent man too as there were all these science equations around which
went right over my head.
They had their own stamps. |
Money too. |
No tax for him - lucky. |
Their government office. |
You can actually get your passport stamped here or even have
visas to visit, so we bought the kids a visa each. I was going to buy a sample of their stamps
and currency but totally forgot about it in the end. For a small little province that I had never
even heard of they have certainly rubbed shoulders with some high up
people. There isn’t a huge amount out
there but what is out there is certainly interesting and if you are into the
science or whatever equations they are you would love it even more.
The kids and their visas. |
At the entrance. |
For my science friends. |
Ian and Gwen then had to head onto Northampton so we decided
to take the longer and more scenic route home and check out the last two
Kalbarri gorge lookouts. It was
certainly the long way and the gorge lookouts were nice but after what we saw
the day before it was always going to be hard to beat. The plan had been to go out for a nice pub
lunch but as it was nearly 2pm by the time we got back into town we decided
against that as they probably wouldn’t have been serving lunch. Instead we will do it tomorrow with a few
more of the local attractions.
The rest of the afternoon was a combination of watching the
kids play in the caravan park and knocking over some school work. It is quite easy when we break it up but I
think it is going to be a huge adjustment for Hamish when eventually he is back
in a classroom and has to sit still for so long. As we were all tired from our big days of
sightseeing we opted for an early night and put the kids to bed on time. Jason then kicked off the downloading of the
next Walking Dead season. Telstra has
kindly given me a bonus 32GB of download for the month on my phone. Obviously I would never use that so we are
trying to make the most of it all.
Thankfully for our last full day in Kalbarri we didn’t have
too much to go out and see, so instead we pretty much opted for a quiet day
where we tried to get a fair bit of school work done as we had a big drive
ahead of us the next day. So after
Hamish’s on air lesson we headed down to the pelican feeding which was great. They only ask for a gold coin donation and
this is to buy the fish to feed them as the people that run it are all
volunteers. We learnt a bit about them
and then each of the kids and the adults too if they wanted got a chance to
throw them some food. Hamish and Kayla
thought it was great.
One of the friendly locals. |
Hamish paying attention to the talk. |
Of course he loved throwing them food. |
We then retreated to a nearby café for a second
breakfast. It was delicious and we
certainly enjoyed it and the kids got to eat the hash browns so they were extra
happy. I did however have to try and do
a phone reading lesson with Hamish which was a bit hard as there were way too many
distractions around so that probably wasn’t the best move, but believe it or
not that was one of the better reading lessons we have had of late. He just needs to slow down and take his time.
Back at the caravan park I focused on doing school with
Hamish whilst Jason cleaned out the car.
Yep that job hadn’t been done for a while so of course it took forever,
but at least he had the little vacume that he had borrowed from Ian. All was fine until Jason broke the little
clip to hold it together. Of course Ian
and Gwen won’t let us buy another one so we are either going to just buy then
one or enough alcohol to see them through the rest of their trip.
As the day slowly wore on I think we just seemed to get more
and more tired. I totally understand
what my Aunty said about travelling being tiring. It is good to have these days of rest so that
we can prepare ourselves for the next big leg and get more ahead of school as I
we will be lucky to get one or two sessions done tomorrow. So the rest of the afternoon we chased the
kids around the playground before finally convincing them to come and watch a
dvd in the van. Finally some rest for
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