As we had hitched on the night before we managed to get away
nice and early. Of course we had set an
alarm clock but for some reason our kids decided that they would save us the
pain of waking up to one and managed to wake us up just a bit before the alarms
went off. I thought we would have to be
very quiet not to wake everyone up but it felt like everyone was up and others
were also already packing up. Still we
were the first ones to roll out! Yep
that is right; we beat all the grey nomads.
Something I don’t think we are really proud of as honestly we would have
rather been sitting down and enjoying a coffee.
Someone wasn't too keen to move. |
Random lakes on the road to Bollon. |
We had allowed for two and a half hours to get to Bollon and
considering it was only 180km away we thought that was a very possible task,
even with driving slower to avoid roos.
However as we were getting closer to Bollon we were cutting it a bit
fine but thought we would be right with about ten minutes spare when we pulled
up to get everything set up and logged in.
What we didn’t count on was traffic lights in the middle of nowhere
which made us stop for at least five minutes giving way too…. absolutely
Are you serious! |
Well now we were pushing it so we quickly just pulled up,
got everything out and still managed to be logged in just as Mrs Lockrey was
marking the roll! However there were
technical issues at the schools end and there would be no lesson today, so
instead we were told what we needed to do and left to our own devices! Oh if only I had a crystal ball, I could have
slept in! Still at least we had made it
to our destination for the night so now had the rest of the day to complete
school and check out the town. The free
camp itself was awesome, right on the creek that ran through town yet peaceful
and quiet. Of course they ask for a donation,
but not to go to the council or anything, it is for the bush nurses, so of
course Kayla and I went and put our donation in.
Not a bad place to stay for a night. |
The view from the van. |
Hamish checking the yabbie traps. |
Of course with the help of his offsider. |
After completing some of the on-air lesson tasks we headed
into town to have lunch at the local pub.
Bollon is a small town with not much more than a café, post office, pub
and produce store. There is neither
supermarket nor service station and the poor little town is struggling. We had a fantastic steak at the pub for lunch
and all up it only came to $49 including our drinks so really it is a
bargain. We then browsed the main street
before heading over the road to the park so the kids could play and use up some
of their energy.
The pub we had lunch. |
One of the shearing displays. |
Of course Hamish had to stop to do his exercises. |
Then it was time to go back to the van so Hamish could do
some school and then Jason went out fishing on the kayak. Kayla fell asleep so had a rest whilst Hamish
and I just chilled out on the bed watching a dvd. After a while Jason was back and asked if we
wanted to try our luck fishing. Though
on our first cast out we managed to get tangled in a branch so needed to get in
the kayak to retrieve it. So yes that
was the end of our attempt at fishing. We
then decided it was time to start the fire and toast some marshmallows. The kids loved this and it was nice doing it
early in the evening as then we could play hopscotch on the path (part of
school yet fun).
There was an awesome playground right in town. |
Walking back to the caravan. |
Jason heading off fishing. |
Then as it started to get cold we all moved inside for
showers, dinner and then bed. I was a
little worried as it seemed to be that our battery in the van is not holding
its charge for very long. The pump for
the water uses the most and with nothing to help charge it back up it is
getting low quite fast. Jason assured me
we had nothing to worry about but still I wasn’t taking any chances and turning
everything off. I would like to say we
got a better sleep that night but by the time Kayla went to sleep (no thanks to
her late nap) it felt like she was awake again and joining us in bed because
she was cold. Jason ended up going down
to her bed and admitted when he got up that her bed area was freezing and we
should probably be putting her in the extra jumpsuit we bought for her.
Lighting the fire. |
Hamish and I venturing off to retrieve our line. |
The kids tracing Dad's body. |
A beautiful sunset to end a good day. |
We got on the road again nice and early at around 7:30am in
order to get to St George before Hamish’s on-air lesson and also to have a chat
with Jason’s Nanna and Pop before Jason would start on Hamish’s lesson. The drive was quite interesting and it seemed
like the closer we got to St George the greener it seemed to be getting. We pulled into Nanna and Pop’s place with
plenty of time and greeted Nanna as she was the only one home. Next came the task of working out where we
were going to park the van. Jason and I
had already discussed it but for some reason everything suddenly seemed smaller
and the trees had grown a lot! Which in
reality probably isn’t true, but now we were looking at everything in comparison
to the van we had attached. Still Jason
assured me his plan would work and Nanna retrieved the secateurs for us so we
could trim back the tree if needed.
Coming into St George. |
I would like to report that Jason did it easily with one manoeuvre
and I only had to trim back four branches on the tree! Unhitching however was a totally different
story. We had totally underestimated the
slope on the land and whilst we managed to unhitch fine, we needed more wood
planks under the jack to help get the van level. Still it was good enough for now and Jason
could do Hamish’s lesson whilst I chatted with Nanna and kept Kayla away. On the completion of the lesson Jason and
Hamish came back for some morning tea and then I ducked back to the van to give
it a quick clean (I didn’t want to show anyone through it until I had at least
swept the floor). Whilst I was doing
that Jason, Nanna and the kids went down and picked fresh peas from their
garden. We then also decided to fix up
the un-level issue so raided pop’s shed and found enough planks of wood to
surely do the job.
Picking peas with Nanna. |
It was then just a matter of hitching back up, putting up
the jack, then piling the planks of wood again before unhitching and finally
setting up. Just as we were nearly
finished showing Nanna through the van, Pop had arrived home from bowls so he
also got the grand tour. By now we had
worked up quite an appetite and all sat down for some lunch. Hamish and I then retreated to the van to do
some school whilst Jason helped clean up from lunch and look after Kayla. I thought it would be hard to do the bit of
school we had to do but Hamish worked really well and before we knew it we had
completed the sessions I had planned to do and also done a few study ladder
The rest of the afternoon was spent putting in the yabbie
pots and catch up with Nanna and Pop. We
made a quick trip down to the shop to stock up on some supplies and replace all
the cookies of Nanna’s we had already eaten.
Then it was time for a bath which Hamish loved but Kayla wasn’t so sure
about. Probably because I got to finally
give their hair a good wash. Though I
think she might have been more upset as I had probably disturbed the tick that
was in her hair. I found it later when
she was sitting on my lap. Gosh I am
getting frustrated with these damn ticks that keep appearing on the kids. I mean it is only her second one but still it
is two too many. Pop got out some metho
to put on it and said it will kill the tick and it should be gone by tomorrow. I so hope it works as I can’t stand the
thought of a tick being on her. If it does
work you know what we will be going to the shops to buy tomorrow! Apparently it kills them and that way you
can’t accidently leave the tick head in there.
Only time will tell.
Kayla all ready to go for a drive. |
Down by the river. |
Jason and Pop venturing off. |
The pretty yellow weed down on the river bank. |
It started raining during the night and it kept up all
night. Nothing heavy just a bit of
drizzle here and there, but everything was certainly wet the next morning and a
lot colder. We were a bit all over the
place in the morning but we managed to pull it together and get ourselves organised
eventually and start some school, Hamish’s on-air lesson and then a bit more
school. The weather really didn’t allow
us to do much more as it was quite cold.
We did venture out at different times to get our fathers something for Father’s
Day and then to empty the toilet cassette but that really was about it. Oh and washing, we managed to get all our
washing done and dry thanks to Nanna for letting us use her washing machine and
The kids loved collecting the eggs. |
Helping pop pick the vegetables. |
Nanna made a nice pumpkin soup for lunch which we
enjoyed. Well all but the kids as Kayla
was asleep and Hamish declared he hates pumpkin! Why yes you do my dear son but if you are
wise you will eat some of it!
Unfortunately my phone started to play up and just one section of the
touch screen won’t work. It is a pity
that it is one of the most important parts of the touch screen and without it I
struggle to even get access to my phone!
This drove me insane. Not because
I missed Facebook or the email, but it was my calendar. That has everything in it I need to remind me
of what I have to do for the day and without it well… I just won’t
remember! Every now and then I can get
in, get a view of what I have to do and then I am locked out again!
Late in the afternoon we ventured out one more time and this
was to line us all up for some haircuts.
Honestly we must have looked like we had been out bush for a while as we
are all desperately in need of one.
However today it was just Jason, Hamish and Kayla lining up. I will go back tomorrow so I don’t keep the
others waiting (and let’s be honest, peace and quiet). Kayla wasn’t too happy about it but at least
she managed to sit still enough to get her fringe cut back. The best bit though was when we went to pay. It cost a grand total of $20!!! Only $10 for an adult and $5 per child. We couldn’t believe it and I don’t know if we
have ever had such a cheap haircut. So
if you are in St George and need a haircut we can highly recommend Jodie in
Grey street.
Then it was home for some rest and a bit more school before
dinner. Jason had cooked up another
delicious silverside and I contributed by making the white sauce. After a while I took the kids back to the van
to put them to bed whilst Jason stayed to watch the football with his Nanna and
Pop. It also allowed me to catch up on a
few jobs back in the van. Mind you it
still looks like a bomb went off in it as there is stuff everywhere.
Hamish and Pop playing chess (Hamish doesn't actually know how to play but gave it a go). |
Well we woke up to a very thick fog but it wasn’t raining so
the kids could at least get out and run around a bit more. Our day was pretty much spent helping pop
pick veggies, keeping on top of school and working a few other things out. I even managed to make a few cakes which will
turn into Kayla’s birthday cake when we meet up with friends in Toowoomba (we
have a separate one ordered to have with the family that is gluten free). I even managed to get downtown and have my
hair done. It certainly feels so
wonderful and would have to be the cheapest haircut and foils I have ever
had. It only cost me $60.
No yabbies but a small fish which Jason threw back after showing it to the kids. |
After lunch we finished school off and then went over and
visited Aunty Agnes, taking with us a few vegetables from Pop’s garden. It was great catching up with Aunty Agnes and
for someone who is 89 she is still so with it and I was just amazed looking at
all her artwork that she has done over the year. She is certainly one very talented lady who
as she puts it likes to give everything a go.
Eventually though we headed back to Nanna’s and Pop’s place as it was
getting quite late and we needed to get the kids bathed and have dinner. Tonight we shouted Chinese from the local
store which was very delicious and managed to get the kids to bed at a way more
reasonable time. Having let them stay up
late with me the evening before had totally backfired and they played up all
Well I am happy to report that Saturday was a way better
day. All school was done with little
fuss and it even included writing. In
the morning we also ventured down to the markets on the river front. They weren’t huge but there were some really
nice things down there and I think it is probably lucky that we are in a
caravan as there really wasn’t room for me to buy much. The kids had their own money and used it to
go on the jumping pillow and even threw some into the donation box of the
gentleman playing music. Then we shopped
up at the cake stand, everything looked delicious but I thought I should leave
something for everyone else.
Kayla enjoying the markets. |
Our yummy drinks from the café. |
After we had finished browsing we headed to the local coffee
shop for a yummy iced coffee and milkshakes for the kids. Hamish was most impressed that the milkshakes
came with a lolly snake tied around the straw!
Unfortunately in his excitement to put it back on the straw as Mum said
she wanted a photo of it, he knocked it over and spilt half his drink! Poor kid, it was an accident and was so
apologetic. Luckily it hadn’t gone onto
Nanna and we could clean it up with a few napkins.
Once the kids and I had finished our drinks I took them out
for a walk. The shops had too many cool
and unique things to touch so I thought it was just easier to go for a walk
with them. We also went to Golders
(local clothing/toy shop) and bought Hamish some new winter pjs since I
discovered a hole in his current ones that morning. They only had one pair of boys’ flannelette
pjs left and luckily they were a size 7, so not too big. From there it was back home for a bit more
school, lunch and then some more school.
Later that afternoon Jason took the kids out looking for
worms to take fishing. The kids just
loved that and they collected a lot of them.
Then we headed across to the other side of the river and down the road a
bit until we found a relatively flat area that was safe for the kids. I wish I could report that we had as much
luck here as we did at my parents place in Longreach, but we didn’t even get one
bite. Well I thought I got a bite but
after an hour of nothing more I started to think that I may have just imagined
it. It was also starting to get a bit
cold so we called it quits and headed back to Nanna and Pop’s.
The kids trying their luck. |
Hamish getting a bit over it all. |
By the time we had bathed the kids it was time for dinner
and then after I had my shower I took the kids back to the van. Each night before bed we revise Hamish’s
sight words, write a sentence for the day and read some books. We also treated the kids to a movie as it was
still quite early and of course if we put them to bed early than they get up
even earlier. Odd really, as when we put
them to bed late it isn’t like they sleep in later (ha ha). It was nice though seeing them lie down and
watch the movie together.
Hamish was loving having a bath again. |
See sometimes they don't fight! |
We still can’t get over how cheap everything is out
here. Fuel was only $1.28 for diesel and
then we got some good specials at the local IGA, so you can’t say it is
expensive to come out and visit these towns.
The only thing is at the moment the weather has turned cold on us and we
can’t quite get used to it after all the fantastic weather we had up in the
NT. Oh where have our days of swimming
in the afternoon gone? They seem like a
distant memory now.
Our final day rolled around and Jason was off to help out at
bowls with Pop. So before he left he did
on of Hamish’s lessons with him whilst I sat out in the warm sun and chatted
with Nanna. This continued after the men
had left as it was the warmest place to sit and enjoy the day. Eventually I went over to the van with the
kids and knocked over another school lesson with them both. Thankfully it wasn’t too hard and involved
cutting, which meant Kayla was very happy to sit there with her own sheet of
paper and cut it into a million pieces.
A bit of bowling action. |
Eventually the men returned just before lunch and we were
all starving, so with a quick set up of our Weber we were cooking lunch. Of course the kids were going feral as they
were so hungry so I let them have a few snacks whilst they waited which of
course meant they wouldn’t eat all their lunch.
I should have just made them up something else instead really but we
didn’t know the guys would be home that late.
After lunch and the dishes were done we all headed out to the local
cemetery so Jason could visit his Great Grandma Rose’s grave.
Then once we were home we started the tradition of packing
up the van and hitching on. We decided
that we needed to get it out of the tight spot we were in now as it would save
us time in the morning and we could spend more time with Nanna and Pop before
leaving. It took us a while but we
managed to get out and avoid cutting off more branches of the tree on the left
and whilst missing the metal pegs on the right.
Then we just pulled up in front of the shed for the night which means it
is straight out the front gate in the morning.
Jason and the kids then proceeded to help Pop pick some
vegetables from the garden for us to take whilst I started packing up all the
toys and making room in the fridge for everything. Friends of Pop’s visited and happened to
bring his dog, so that seemed to keep the kids entertained whilst we finished
packing up and I started putting everything in its place inside the van. The one thing that hasn’t been packed is the kid’s
pet worms that they have dug up from Pop’s garden. We are telling Hamish you can’t take them
across the border into NSW. I have no
idea if that is true or not but I don’t really want a bucket of dirt and worms
in my van.
Off to pick vegies with Pop. |
So many fresh vegetables. |
Obviously telling pop what to do. |
We moved inside the house as it started to cool down and I
finished off school with Hamish whilst Jason gave Kayla a bath. Then as Hamish had finished the lesson I then
moved myself and the laptop down to the bathroom to give him a bath. Well it didn’t work really at all as the
internet reception was crap and for some reason it was not fully converting the
file. When I moved to the front room
however I managed to get there on like the 5th attempt.
After dinner it was time for our showers and then to take
the kids to bed. We need to be on the
road by 8am tomorrow to give us enough time to get to the next town with
reception for Hamish’s on-air lesson.
One day we might think more about our travelling days and aim more for
weekends rather than the days with an on-air lesson and a reading lesson. Or probably not, who wants to plan that much. We have enjoyed our time visiting Nanna and
Pop in St George again and seeing how much it has changed since our last
visit. Thank you Nanna and Pop for
allowing us to park on your block and plug into your power. Not to mention all the meals you cooked for
us all.
Family photo before we left. |